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Say hello to James, a Say hello to music enthusiast who seamlessly incorporates Spotify into his work regimen, switches to Pandora during his workouts, and curates playlists for every occasion imaginable, from cardio programs to cooking and even gaming. His headphones are his constant companions, converting his life into a completely soundtracked experience. However, while James gets solace and joy in the immersive world of music, the very thing he loves could be quietly weakening his precious sense of hearing.

Regarding our ears, there are both safe and hazardous ways to enjoy music. Unfortunately, a, any us lean towards the second approach.

How does prolonged music exposure result in hearing loss?

Prolonged exposure to loud music can result in a decrease in your auditory ability. Hearing loss is typically connected to growing older, but the latest studies indicate that it is primarily triggered by damage from exposure to loud noises instead of being a natural part of aging.

It also appears that younger ears are especially susceptible to noise-related damage (they’re still developing, after all). However, teenagers tend to ignore the potential risks of excessive noise over time. An increasing number of young individuals are experiencing hearing loss as a result of frequent use of loud headphones.

Can one listen to music without any safety concerns?

Unregulated full volume is obviously the” hazardous” way to listen to music. But there is a safe(er) way to enjoy your tunes, and it usually involves turning the volume down. The general rules for safe volumes are:

  • For Adults: No more than 40 hours of listening on a device, and maintain the volume lower than 80 dB.
  • If you’re younger than 18, 40 hours is still fine, just be sure to keep the volume at a safe level, 75 decibels or less.

Forty hours week translates into about five hours and forty minutes a day. Though it might seem excessive, the time can go by unexpectedly fast. In spite of this, most individuals have a well-developed understanding of time management, a skill that is usually mastered during early childhood.

The more difficult aspect entails keeping track of your volume level. Devices like smartphones, computers, and TVs typically do not display volume in decibels. It’s assessed on some random scale. The range could be as broad as 1 to 100, or it could be as narrow as 1 to 16. You might be unaware of the maximum volume range of your device or how near you are to reaching that limit.

How to properly monitor your music volume

To deal with this issue, numerous free noise tracking applications are available for both iPhone and Android devices. These apps offer immediate feedback on ambient noise levels, enabling users to tweak their listening volume to safe levels.

Because of this, many audiologists suggest using one of the numerous noise level monitoring apps available at no cost. These extensively accessible apps, compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, provide instant sound-level feedback on the ambient noise around you. In this way, you can keep track of the decibel level of your music as it plays and make changes accordingly.

Comparing relative volumes: from garbage disposals to dishwasher

For instance, a volume level of 80 decibels is comparable to the sound generated by a common garbage disposal or dishwasher – you can hear them, but they won’t blow your ears out. Recognizing this standard is essential, as it represents the limit beyond which auditory damage becomes a tangible hazard.

It’s crucial to exercise increased vigilance when noise levels go above this critical point. Think about reducing exposure to overly loud music by enjoying select tracks at full volume instead of indulging in entire albums.

Repeated exposure to increased volume levels can trigger hearing complications including tinnitus and eventual hearing loss. By being mindful of when our ears are at risk, we allow ourselves to make educated decisions in order to promote safer listening habits.

Schedule a hearing exam

To further prioritize your auditory health, think about reaching out to a hearing specialist to schedule a comprehensive hearing test. Taking proactive actions like regular assessments can identify possible problems at an early stage, enabling prompt actions and tailored advice to protect your valuable hearing.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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